Race Pack Collection
  • 1. Race Pack Collection

     1) Race Pack Collection Time

    From 14:00 to 20:00 on March 22th, 2018

    From 09:00 to 20:00 on March 23th, 2018

    From 09:00 to 21:00 on March 23th, 2018

    2) Race Pack Collection Location

    Wuxi (Specific Location will be published before the race on the official website.)

    3) Race Pack Collection Instruction

    Qualified participants must take valid ID or passport (original) to the organizing committee's designated place to pick up their race pack at designated time. Participant cannot pick up their race pack on the day of the race, so participants should arrange their time to collect race pack probably. Participants who cannot pick up their race pack can have someone picked up their rack pack, but the timing chip, participants’ race wristband and bib cannot be picked up by other people.

    4) Race Wristband

    Race wristband must be worn by the staff member on the spot during race pack collection. Before the race ends, race wristband cannot be taken off or damaged. Race wristband is also the certificate for finisher’s items.

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